A stunning, special edition Johnnie Walker & Sons XR 23 Year Old created from some of the finest malts and grains available, including some rare whisky from the Brora distillery. It’s a well-spiced, wintery expression that brings indulgent notes of sticky toffee, Christmas cake, alcohol soaked raisins and subtle layers of vanilla that marry perfectly with cinnamon spice and gentle cardamom. This all comes packaged inside a stunning bottle and box that would look the part in any collection. A real delight.
JOHNNIE WALKER XR23」以首席調酒師 Jim Beveridge 匠心獨具的眼光,特選出蘇格蘭地區層次最繁複細緻、蘊含 7 種世界知名的蘭花香氣的 23 年威士忌為基底。品飲時,飽滿花香、奶油餅乾與茶香交織,咖啡、黑巧克力、太妃糖與煙燻風味隨之而出,柔和的蘭花香氣與醇厚的檀木煙燻風味尾韻悠長,造就它層次豐富、亦剛亦柔的完美酒體